Our Quality
An unparalleled service Quality
Quality is our main priority.

Quality through reliability
Each commitment, every deadline is carefully respected. If an unforeseen development occurs, Executive Lane will immediately inform the customer of any potential delay.
Quality through bespoke services
When we handle a customer's request, we appreciate that everyone has different needs. Customer satisfaction is achieved by anticipating their demands. Our objective is to exceed customer expectations and surprise them owing to our carefully developed customer profile.
Quality monitoring
After each request, Executive Lane checks that the service provided met the customer's expectations. Depending on the nature of the request, we contact the customer by phone or e-mail to gather feedback. The information we receive is registered to assess customer care and the partner used. Our Quality Manager also carries out regular checks to evaluate customer satisfaction.
Selection of our service providers
Executive Lane's commercial partners are selected according to the same strict requirements. Our network of suppliers throughout the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Great Region is firmly established on basis of quality, in order to provide our customers with the highest level of service and information.
Discreet, reliable and customer-focused, your VIP chauffeur is more than just a trained driver, he is your trusted person in every situation
Open the door to our exclusive service